Hi, I am back with my latest sewing pattern and tutorial: Placemats and Coasters Set for the upcoming Christmas!!!! The placemat comes with cutlery holders at both sides so you can slot in your fork spoon and knife into the holder, while the coaster has a hanging loop at the corner.

Thanks to modes4u, the sponsor of the 12 fat quarters of Christmas theme fabric giveaway which was carried out here last September. Modes4u also gave me 4 fat quarters so that I get to sew something I like for Christmas. The prints and the colors are so fresh, sharp and so HOLIDAY!!!
You can choose and buy the Christmas fabrics I used in this set of Christmas placemats coasters from modes4u, here. After sewing 4 placemats and 4 coasters using these 4 fat quarters (3 for placemats and 1 for coasters), together with some white fabric and backing fabric, I still have some left. I was sewing up a storm last weekend, so hopefully, I can prepare the next pattern and tutorial and share it with you soon.

I missed you all and I missed posting my tutorial here too!!! Oh dear, I have not been sharing my craftwork for a month (more like months to me!), the last one was the Trapunto Baby Quilt I sewed for my long-distance best friend who is expecting a baby boy. I am around and still crafting and blogging but at a slower pace, just that I don’t have a single complete project to share with you until now.
If you wonder why I have been so busy lately, that’s because I need to plan and design my home, most of them have been confirmed and renovation work started to take place weeks ago. Now, I have more time to concentrate on craft patterns and tutorial sharing. Stay tuned, till then, scroll down to read the detailed sewing tutorial of this Christmas placemats and coasters set.

Hi, I am back with my latest sewing pattern and tutorial: Placemats and Coasters Set for the upcoming Christmas!!!! The placemat comes with cutlery holders at both sides so you can slot in your fork spoon and knife into the holder, while the coaster has a hanging loop at the corner.
Enjoy sewing them!
- Fabric (Christmas Prints) – 18 1/2″ (W) x 4″ (H), 3 pcs
- Fabric (White) – 18 1/2″ (W) x 4 1/2″ (H), 2 pcs
- Fabric (backing) – 18 1/2″ (W) x 14 1/2″ (H), 1 pc
- Ribbon (7/16″) – 18 1/2″, 2 pcs
- Fabric (Gingerbread Man prints) – 4 1/2″ square, 1 pc
- Fabric (backing) – 4 1/2″ square, 1 pc
- Batting – 4″ square, 1 pc
- Ribbon (7/16″) – 4″, 1pc
- Sewing machine with appropriate presser foot
- Erasable fabric marker
- Ruler & Roller Cutter
- Scissors
- Blunt awl
- Iron
Cut fabrics according to the dimensions stated:
· 3 Christmas theme prints fabrics, 18 1/2″ x 4″ each
· 2 White fabrics, 18 1/2″ x 4 1/2″ each, fold the pieces into half along the long length. (Tip: this will give 2 layers on the white part to make the white really “white”.)
· 1 backing fabric, 18 1/2″ x 14 1/2″
Note: all measurement already includes 1/4″ seam allowance.I used the following feet to sew, they do help to give a neat quality effortlessly. If you don’t have them, a normal presser foot will do the sewing job too.
1. Edgestitch foot – to sew straight edge stitch effortless
2. Patchwork foot or quarter-inch foot – a seam guide to sew 1/4″ seam allowance without pre-drawn seam lines.
3. Walking foot (optional) – keep the top layer and bottom layer of fabric walk together during sewing.Sew to join pieces of fabrics in print-white-print-white-print order with 1/4″ seam allowance on the 18 1/2″ raw edges.
a. Iron the assembly flat with seam allowances press under print fabrics.
b. Mark the ribbon position at the center of the white fabric, then mark the cutlery positions with 1″ wide and 1/2″ in between them.a. Place the ribbon on the white fabric, you may pin to secure the position, use edgestitch foot to sew on the edge of the ribbon.
b. Shift the needle to the left by 1 point (as shown in blue insert photo), then align the metal on the foot just outside the ribbon, press your paddle and sew.
*Make sure the metal plate is always at the side of the ribbon and you will be sewing a neat straight line on the edge of the ribbon.a. When reaching the cutlery marking, sew across the ribbon and go to the other side of the ribbon, continue sewing to the starting point.
b. Come back and sew the rest.
*Only have to sew the cutlery at the bottom white piece.
*Sew ribbon through the whole length on the top piece.a. Complete assembly on the top piece of the placemat.
b. Trim the sides if they happened to go out of the way. Your placemat might get smaller but it won’t hurt a lot.Place the backing fabric on top of the placemat with right side facing each other.
Sew both together with 1/4″ seam allowance. You can either use 1/4″ foot or walking foot or your normal presser foot.
*Remember to leave an opening of at least 2″ along the seam line for turning the placemat right side out later.Clip corners at the seam allowance.
a. Turn the placemat right side out from the opening.
b. Use a blunt awl or knitting needle to adjust and neaten the corners.
c. Press with a warm iron.a. Change to edgestitch foot to sew topstitch at the edge of the placemat.
b. Shift the needle position 3 points to the left, metal plate along the side, stitch along the edge and around.You may use edgestitch foot to perform stitch in the ditch.
Shift needle 1 point to the right, metal plate sits on the seam line of the white piece, check if the needle gets into the seam line and sew.Both edgestitch and stitch in the ditch are so straight without much effortless and eye power.
A completed placemat.
Repeat to sew more to decorate your table during the upcoming Holy Season and enjoy the great meal with your loved ones.Pair this Holiday accent placemat with a gingerbread man print coaster to make them a perfect set on your dining table.
a. Cut 4 1/2″ square for both print and backing fabric for the coaster. I used gingerbread man fabric from Robert Kaufman.
b. Cut 4″ square of batting as the insert for the coaster.
c. Cut 4″ ribbon as the hanging loop for the coaster.(1) Fold the ribbon to form a loop, place it on top of the right side of the backing square.
(2) Place the gingerbread man square with right side facing them.
(3) Place batting on them.
(4) Sew around with 1/4″ foot to get a 1/4″ seam allowance. Leave a 2″ opening for turning right side out.
It is alright to stitch on the edge of the batting occasionally, this will help the batting to stay in place inside the coaster.Clip corners so that the corners will look right-angle and neat after turning the coaster right side out.
Turn the coaster right side out from the opening, use a blunt awl or knitting needle to push the corner out and neaten it to right angle.
a. Change to edgestitch foot to sew topstitch at the edge of the coaster.
b. Shift the needle position 3 points to the left, metal plate along the side, stitch along the edge and around.To help the batting stay in place further, quilt and stitch along the gingerbread man outlines. This is optional.
Invite your buddies and relatives to your house and enjoy your meal during the holy season.
Merry Christmas!!!!
Remark: All dimensions included 1/4″ seam allowance.
You may add batting to the placemat to add loft to it.
Always pre-wash your fabrics before sewing them into a project.
Michele Bailey
Monday 18th of August 2014
I can't wait to get started on these for the holidays! Thanks!
margaret trethowan
Friday 21st of December 2012
I have just discovered your blog and am absolutely delighted - I am a craft volunteer at our local nursing home and I am always looking for ideas - your blog is perfect for me. Thank you very much.
Monday 12th of November 2012
I cannot ckick on next at any of the places, the cursor changes into a straight up & down line when it gets near to the word "next" that I am told to click to see more pictures.
Craft Passion
Monday 12th of November 2012
Hi Nilla, please click on the small little arrow at the bottom of the photo, that will bring you to the next photo. Sorry for the confusion.
Katrin Orrell via Facebook
Thursday 8th of November 2012