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Simple Heart Sachet Sewing Pattern

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Hey, crafty hearts and nimble fingers! Get ready to stitch up some love with our heart sachet project, transforming them into a swoon-worthy Valentine’s Day garland that’ll make Cupid’s own heart skip a beat!

Get free pattern and tutorial to sew some Heart Shaped Sachet to make into Scented Love Garland for the Valentine's Day. Love is in the air!!!!

Another 2 days to the “V” Day, the Valentine’s Day!!!! Most of the time, Valentine’s Day comes within the 15-day festivity celebration of the Chinese New Year. Even if it is not in between these dates, it will be only a few days after the CNY. So, before we take down the CNY decorations, we put up Valentine’s Deco as an addition to it instead.

This year, I made a scented love garland from Heart-Shaped Sachets and tied it to the artificial plum blossom (梅花) tree, coincidentally which traditionally is meant for attracting “luck in love” and “better social relationships” (桃花運). I hope that this year will bring better romance and better relationships to all the members of the family. Let the air fill with the smell of love… LOVE IS IN THE AIR!!!!!

Heart Shaped Sachet garland

What if after the CNY is over after the peach blossom tree is gone? Don’t throw the Heart Shaped Sachet garland away, alternatively, use it as curtain tie-back, or, simply tie it anywhere you like. I will tie it in my daughter’s room, near her bed, and help her to fall into her sweet dream wonderland faster with the calming aroma.

Heart Shaped Sachet garland

What’s Next

Heart Sachet Sewing Pattern

1. Fabric stashes or scraps (2½” x 2½” – 4 pcs. for small hearts, 4″ x 4″ – 6 pcs. for big hearts)
2. Felt 2″ x 2½” – 3 pcs. various colors
3. Sachet filling ingredient – scented potpourri or home-made dried flower
4. Ribbon, lace, yarn or cord
5. Fusible web 2″ x 2½” – 3 pcs.
6. Embroidery flosses & embellishment buttons

1. Sewing machine
2. Sewing kits
3. Iron
4. Printer & letter size paper
5. Pencil or fabric marker
6. Blunt point tweezers

I love U Heart template pattern

Download the Heart Shaped Sachet pattern of the heart templates & alphabets in pdf format. Print it out onto Letter size paper. Don’t scale the printing if you wish to have the full-size pattern.
Get the latest Acrobat PDF reader if you can’t download the pattern.

Robert Kaufman Pastel Stash Stack

Just in case you would like to know, I used a fat quarter stack from Robert Kaufman – Baby Basic Pastel.
I love the colors, polka dots, and stripes.

Valentines craft

Cut the Heart Shaped Sachet templates from the pdf pattern. Cut fabrics, felts and fusible web according to the sizes stated in the “materials” above.

Sew a heart

Trace 3 big hearts and 2 small hearts on the wrong side of the fabric.
Trace the alphabets “I” & “U” and a small heart on the paper side of the fusible web.

I Love U template

With adhesive side (rough surface) down, iron the alphabets and small heart to the respective felt.
Cut the word out.
Set aside.

sew Heart Shaped Sachet

Come back to the heart sachet. Stack one of the traced heart fabric to another blank equal size fabric with right facing each other, pin if needed. Sew heart line with a sewing machine, leave 3/4″ opening on the side for turning the heart right side out.
Clip curve on the seam allowance.

Filling love

Turn the heart right side out for the opening. Use blunt point tweezers if needed.
Press to smooth out the crumples.
Mark heart joining points with a fabric marker.
Stuff with poly-fill for small hearts.

Heart Shaped Sachet

Peel off the paper backing of the fusible web of the alphabets. Position them on the big-heart sachets, press with a warm iron to adhere.
Sew some decorative stitches on the alphabets to further embellish them.

Scented Heart

Stuff them with scented potpourri or with your homemade dried rose petals from last year’s valentines. If the potpourri or flowers are too big to get in, break them to smaller pieces. Blunt points tweezers could be a very good helper in filling them.

Heart Shaped Sachet

Sew to close all openings with slip stitches or ladder stitches.

Linking Hearts

Align the markings on the hearts in big-small-big-small-big order. With 2 hearts facing each other, sew them together at the marking margins with whip stitches.

Valentines heart garland

Determine the length of the tying cord or ribbon you need, sew them to the marking on “I” and “U” heart sachets.
Tie them on your desire place to decorate for the Valentine’s Day.

hear sachet sewing pattern
Author bio

Joanne Loh

~ Founder and Editor ~
Born into a creative family, Joanne Loh has over 40 years of experience in sewing, crocheting, and knitting. Well-known for her creative approach to DIY crafts, her creations demonstrate a strong dedication to quality and spreading her enthusiasm among the crafting community.
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Friday 10th of January 2014

What a great idea! Bet it smells great, too. :-)


Saturday 11th of February 2012

Just stopping by to let you know that I've featured your craft on Family Fun Crafts! You can see it here:

If you have other kid friendly crafts, I'd love it if you would submit them. :) If you would like to display a featured button on your site, you can grab one from the right side bar of your post above.


Monday 17th of October 2011

How cute think I will make it for my youngest granddaughter. Thanks your website is great

Anna M.

Saturday 14th of May 2011

These are so sweet. They would be perfect as a decoration for a little girl's room


Wednesday 16th of February 2011

These are the sweetest little hearts! Great tutorial!