Have you started planning what to make as a gift for this coming year-end greeting season? This Antique Pocket Mirror is one of the perfect gifts that you can DIY. It is quick to make and presentable as a gift for lady friends and relatives. I have made a few and keep them until the end of this year. Some lucky friends or relatives will have it in their Christmas stockings soon 🙂

I am using a high-quality folding compact pocket mirror case that has two mirrors inside, a regular mirror on one side and a close-up mirror on the other. It comes with a plastic plate that we can craft on it, therefore, I covered the plate with fabrics that have beautifully felt decals on it and some with needlepoint craftwork made by my sister.
Antique Pocket Mirror – How To Make
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The Felt Decal design is quick to make, but the needlepoint craftwork gives a precious touch to the pocket mirror. Likewise, you may also use some beautiful printing fabrics to embellish the pocket mirror. How about adding some rhinestones or iron-on decals instead? Ribbon embroidery could be another precious one to make.

For a more intricate design, you may cross-stitch a small pattern for the pocket mirror. If your favorite cross stitch pattern is too big for the pocket mirror, use a higher thread count of Aida fabric to scale down the size so that they fit into a 2 1/2″ diameter. My sister cross-stitches them for me, and I really like them a lot. Learn how to sew cross-stitch, and choose a tiny and simple pattern to make this beautiful antique pocket mirror.

- Start sewing and share your completed handmade on Facebook and/or Instagram. Remember to tag us, @craftpassion, so that we are able to see them.
- Pin it to Pinterest for a future To-DIY List
- Share with your DIY groups for a diy-along event.

Have you started planning what to make as a gift for this upcoming year-end greeting seasons? This Antique Pocket Mirror is one of the perfect gifts that you can DIY. It is quick to make and presentable as a gift for lady friends and relatives. I have made a few and keep them until the end of this year. Some lucky friends or relatives will have it in their Christmas stocking soon 🙂
Enjoy sewing them!
- Compact Pocket Mirror Case with a plastic plate, 1
- Needlepoint craft or fabric of your choice
- Batting or thick soft felt
- Strong thread
- Selleys Epoxy Adhesive or equivalent
- White PVA Glue or Mod Podge
- Sewing Needles, preferably long needle
- Rubber bands
- Glue applicator, I used toothpicks
- Round template, 2 1/2″ internal circle, 3 1/3″ external circle
- Scissors
Heat Transfer Felt Decal Option
- Heat Transfer Felt Decal of your choice (the pattern should be smaller or equal to 1 1/2″ diameter)
- Iron
- Stash fabric (for ironing)
Needlepoint Craftwork Option
- Needlepoint Craftwork of your choice (the pattern should be smaller or equal to 1 1/2″ diameter)
- Lightweight fusible interfacing
- Iron
- Stash fabric (for ironing)
Gather all the materials and tools needed for this craft. This tutorial is a demo with heat transfer felt decal, you may skip the first part if you are not using the decal. If you are using needlepoint craftwork on Aida fabric or lower thread count (looser weave) fabric, attach a layer of fusible interfacing on the wrong side of the craftwork to strengthen the fabric.
Place the Heat Transfer Felt Decal on the fabric, with right side facing down.
Heat up your iron to medium heat (dry and no steam) or as stated in the iron-on material instruction. Cover the decal with stash fabric. Press with medium pressure the iron to adhere the decal for 20 seconds. Make sure to press the iron on the entire decal.
Leave the decal as it is until it is cool to touch, peel off the decal backing. Cover the decal with stash fabric and press with iron again to further enhance the adhesion.
Trace the round template on batting and the main fabric; small circle on batting, bigger circle on fabric. Cut them out.
Apply craft glue on the plastic plate and glue the batting on it.
Sew running stitch along the edge of the round fabric, pull the thread to curl up the fabric. Place the plastic plate into it, pull the thread further and gather the fabric onto the plate snugly. Turn to the front and adjust the position if needed. Knot the thread.
Sew another round of running stitch next to the first round, pull the thread tight to further tighten the fabric to the plate. Knot the thread securely.
The beautifully decorated plastic plate is now ready to be glued on the pocket mirror case.
Mix the 2-part epoxy glue as instructed in the instruction section of the package. Since the glue is a quick-dry type, mix a small portion that is enough for 1 mirror.
Apply the glue on the edge of the plate.
Apply the glue on the edge of the plate.
Place the plate to the mirror, position it nicely, hold it for at least 30 seconds or until it is secured.
Tie the mirror with rubber bands and set aside for overnight.
A beautiful Antique Pocket Mirror is done and you may use it anytime when you need to touch up your make-up.
Recommended Products
Purchase the exact same material and tool used in this pattern from Craft Passion Shop.
Warner Brown
Sunday 14th of February 2021
This is the great work for embroidery
Warner Brown
Sunday 21st of June 2020
Nice work
Jennifer David
Thursday 27th of December 2018
I can't wait to make one! Maybe I would use the ribbon embroidery for an extra bit of embellishment.
Monday 19th of September 2016
I like your ideas and hopefully I'll be able to make one or even two. (I'm on hospice now but I can dream can't I?