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Felt Valentine Fortune Cookies

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I thought I was going to stop making Valentine’s projects for this year as it is just a few days away, but when I saw Martha Stewart’s Felt Fortune Cookies in her book: Martha Stewart’s Handmade Holiday Crafts: 225 Inspired Projects for Year-Round Celebrations and her website, I couldn’t stop myself for not adapting the method and make them into heart-shaped valentine fortune cookies.

diy valentine fortune cookies

The tutorial is easy and the process is quick to make. What really inspired me is that we can slip some candies into the felt cookies…. simply a marvelous idea for some sweat treats for your loved ones or for your valentine guests. For your convenience, I have also prepared 20 love note printables for you to download and print.

heart shaped fortune cookie

Oh… I almost forgot to mention this, you can always make these heart-shaped fortune cookies for any occasion as a little gift for your guest, particularly, as a door gift in a wedding reception 🙂

valentine fortune cookie

What’s Next


Felt Valentine Fortune Cookies

Pattern: Download pattern here.
Download Love Notes here.

1. Felts, red/pink
2. Ribbon, 1/4″
3. Floral wire, gauge #22 or 24
4. Paper, 2 letter size (8 1/2″ x 11″)
5. Some small candies treats, for example, Hershey’s Kisses

1. Tacky Glue / White PVA Glue / Mod Podge
2. Printer
3. Scissors
4. Craft Knife
5. Ruler
6. Cutting Mat
7. Wire cutter

materials to make felt heart shaped fortune cookies

Download the pattern and love notes, print them out.
Gather and prepare the materials.
Cut felt according to the pattern.
Cut the floral wires and ribbons slight shorter than the width of the felt.
Cut love notes into strips with ruler and craft knife on a cutting mat.

how to make felt heart shaped fortune cookies

Glue the floral wire to the center of the felt.

Valentine Fortune Cookies

Glue a piece of ribbon to cover the floral wire.

Valentine Fortune Cookies

Repeat it to the rest of the felts.
Set aside for about 30 minutes to let the glue set and bond to the felt securely before continue the next step. But don’t leave it too dry or else it will get harden and unable to fold.

Valentine Fortune Cookies

Place a love note on the felt and fold the felt into halve.

bend fortune cookies

Press down the center while pushing the sides up and toward the center to form the fortune cookies shape.

Insert candy into fortune cookie

Flip or peel the fortune cookies slightly and inserts some candies into it. Close back.

kisses inside valentine fortune cookies

A peep inside the heart-shaped valentine fortune cookie.
Happy Valentine’s Day!!!!

Author bio

Joanne Loh

~ Founder and Editor ~
Born into a creative family, Joanne Loh has over 40 years of experience in sewing, crocheting, and knitting. Well-known for her creative approach to DIY crafts, her creations demonstrate a strong dedication to quality and spreading her enthusiasm among the crafting community.
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Tuesday 4th of February 2014

Very cute cookies ♥


Wednesday 9th of January 2013

Thank you for the Valentine fortune cookie pattern. It will be a hit with my family and the children I know. I enjoy reading about The Quilt Show and learn many many things. Alex helped me to learn to applique. Many thanks.

Craft Passion

Wednesday 9th of January 2013

Thank you, Meem. I love The Quilt Show since I am a huge fan of quilting now!!!