We can’t have the full-size Baymax to hug, so I sew a miniature Baymax Plush from a piece of white sock. My son grabbed it to sleep with him immediately after I finished the first one.

When I first saw Baymax on the poster in front of the cinema during the “Big Hero 6” movie sneak preview, this giant white funny-looking balloon robot wasn’t a fascinating character to my liking hahaha… But, it totally changed my mind after I watched the movie at the request of my kids. Awwww….. We all want this squishy balloon robot that looks so comforting!!!
I love the clumsy motion of its balloon build, its funny dreamy eyes when it is out of battery, and its naive and polite personality. Believe it or not, I requested to watch the movie again a few weeks later. Oh dear… this white balloon robot literally melts my heart, and I know I am not the only one.
If you haven’t watched the movie “Big Hero 6”, here is the Official Disney HD Trailer video clip I found on Youtube. Watch the movie, and you will laugh, giggle, fire up, and even sob with Baymax.

Sock Baymax Plush Sewing Pattern
scroll ⬇️to get the free sewing pattern & tutorial
Sewing a Baymax plush from a pair of socks just needs a little skill and some simple materials. To make your sewing project more straightforward, I have prepared the printable template for your immediate download. Gather the materials, such as a piece of white sock, a pair of 4mm small domed buttons, black embroidery floss, a small piece of white felt, and stuffing materials, and you are good to proceed with the sewing.
The tutorial is easy to follow, with all the photos and drawings for you to follow through. You can use a sewing machine to sew, or you may also hand-sew it if you prefer. Some sewing essential is needed, like a long sewing needle and pins, fabric marker, scissors, ruler, and a pair of blunt point tweezers.

Whenever I see the little fingers at the end of Baymax’s long arms, I hear “Bah-a-la-la-la”, the Baymax way of the fist bump. I can’t stop laughing watching a giant robot doing such a cuteness overload action. Everyone seems so crazy with the Baymax fist bump, even my old school-mates and I did the Baymax fist bump in public. Very funny!
“Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion.” – Baymax introducing himself to his patient
But when the clumsy Baymax is running out of battery, “Hellooooo…… I ammmmm Baymaaaaxxxxxx…..” OUCH!!! Oops, it needs to be recharged.

Are you ready for the Sock Baymax plush pattern and tutorial? Scroll down further to get the full details on how to sew it, including a downloadable and printable template pattern.
Happy Sewing!
What’s Next:
- Start sewing and share your completed handmade on Facebook and/or Instagram. Remember to tag us, @craftpassion, so that we are able to see them.
- Pin it to Pinterest for a future To-Sew List
- Share with your sewing groups for a sew-along event.
- Learn more about the basics of hand sewing and how to choose a sewing machine for beginners.
- Browse more free sewing patterns and stuffed animals to make, especially animals that are sewn from socks.
- By the way, if you love origami, be sure to look out for my origami friend, Jenny. She made a video on Baymax origami by using 2 sheets of paper.

Sock Baymax Plush Sewing Pattern
Free pattern and tutorial to show you how to sew sock Baymax plush, the cute robot in Big Hero 6 who's clumsy and squishy in a white vinyl balloon with 2-dots eyes.
Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. – Baymax introducing himself to his patient.
Enjoy sewing Baymax Plush from socks!
Download and print separately: SEWING PATTERN
- Sock (ankle length), white, 1 pair
- Domed Button eye 4mm, black, 2
- Crochet lace thread or Embroidery floss, Black
- White felt
- Poly-fill stuffing material
- Sewing threads, white and grey
- Sock Baymax template
- Sewing machine. You can also hand-sew if you prefer.
- Long sewing needle (about 2″) and pins
- Water Erasable Fabric Marker
- Scissors
- Blunt point tweezers or an awl
- Ruler
- Download and print out the Sock Baymax template so that you can trace it on the sock later.
- Gather the materials and tools needed to sew the sock Baymax.
Always pre-washed your socks before sewing them.
Turn the white ankle socks with the right side in. Align, iron then pin.
Trace the printed template on the sock. Adjust the size of the template by hand sketching them if the socks are in a different size.
The red dash line on the body (the bottom left) is not the boundary line, the sides should extend until the elastic band of the sock.
The dashed line for the head (the small round part at bottom right) is not boundary either, it is indeed the folding line of the heel on the sock.
Please refer to the picture after next to have a clearer understanding. - Sew the sock according to the drawing line except for the head. Don’t sew on the folded edge, i.e. the sides of the socks.
Stretch the sock a little during machine sewing, this will give a better pull and stretch for stuffing. - Cut the pieces out with at least 1/4″ seam allowance.
Be extra careful when clipping the space between the finger, clip as near as 1/16″ and do not accidentally cut the sewing thread. - Turn all the pieces right side out. You will need some help from a pair of blunt point tweezers when turning the little fingers out.
Set all pieces aside. - Hand stitches the raw edge of the headpiece with running stitches. Pull the thread to gather the edge to make a cup.
Stuff the head-piece with poly-fill stuffing until it is full and firm. Pull the thread and push in the raw edge to close the opening. Make a secured knot.
You may go another round of stitches in the same place as security stitches to prevent the thread from breakdown and torn in the future.
Press the head and make it flatter if it is too roundish. Sock Baymax's head is in an oval shape and not a round shape.
Mark the eyes position on the sock Baymax head, they are about 5/16″ apart. Sew the small domed button eyes on the 2 ends of the line and sew a black line between them with black embroidery floss. - Stuff the body with poly-fill stuffing. Focus on the tummy of Sock Baymax as he has a pear-shaped body with a big tummy. Massage and roll the body with your hand until you are satisfied with the amount of filling and shaping. Gather and sew to close the opening.
Massage and roll the body again with both hands until it resembles the shape of Baymax’s body. - Stuff the arms with poly-fill stuffing. Stuff the little tiny fingers first, roll a small amount of poly-fill into tiny balls and insert them into each of the fingers respectively until all the fingers are filled up. Stuff the rest of the arms with poly-fill.
Gather and sew to close the opening of both arms. - Stuff both legs but do not sew to close the opening.
Mark the bottom of the body with 2 oblong circles of each 1 1/2″ to the side and 1″ to the front, both oblong circles are touching at the center of the bottom body.
Stitch the legs to the body Of Sock Baymax along the drawing lines.
Since everyone might stuff and mark the Sock Baymax a little differently, you may need to do adjustment stitches if the legs don’t look like what the real Baymax should have.
Adjustment stitches simply mean that you sew another round of stitches just outside the primary sewing line, depends on how much you wanted to adjust the position.
This is how it looks like after the legs are attached. - Pin and sew the head and arms onto the body. You may need to shape the arms before stitching so that they can fit close to the sides of the body.
This is the side view of the Sock Baymax to show the position of the head and arms.
This is how it looks from a slanted front view. - Cut a small piece of white felt into a 1/2″ circle.
Pin it on the left chest and sew a “pulse” symbol to attach it to the body. This is a "program card slot" on Sock Baymax’s chest. - Upon completion, spray Sock Baymax with water to erase all the blue markings. Set it aside until it is dry.
Closer look of a clean white Sock Baymax with its cute 2-dot eyes.
“Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion.”
HOW TO SECURE THE KNOT: Secure the knot by inserting the needle between the 2 threads.
The knot is locked with the sock and it won’t slip away through the knits when you pull the thread during sewing.
WHY DO WE HAVE TO HAND DRAWN PATTERN? Not all socks are the same size, so I can’t provide a standard printable template for this sock animal. The best way to proceed is to sketch out the sewing line by referring to the pictures.
DOLL SIZES: For different sizes of sock animals, use different sizes of socks.
SOCK CHOICE: Socks will be stretched after they are stuffed so thick socks that are close-knit make better quality sock sheep toys.
SEAM ALLOWANCE: Approximately 1/8” or 1/4”.
You need a bigger seam allowance for loose-knit and thinner sock materials because they can be ripped off easily
STUFFING: always massage the stuffing to loosen out lumps. Long tubular parts should be rolled with both hands so any lumps will be smooth, and help to make the parts longer and firmer.
Recommended Products
Purchase the exact same material and tool used in this pattern from Craft Passion Shop.
Sunday 19th of June 2016
Translation (by Google): I LIKE IT
Sew Uber
Sunday 29th of May 2016
Hi Joanne. I was so happy to find your project on Pinterest. I so heart this project so I included it on my round-up post about sewing projects you can make for your kids.
You can see the post here, http://sewuber.com/make/things-to-sew-for-kids/
Please let me know if I missed something about your blog and do let me know if you want to change or add anything.
Xoxo, Sandra
P.s. I’m a new fan ;)
Thursday 12th of May 2016
Das ist mein Schwager Fritz, wie er leibt und lebt! Wenn ich das vielleicht auch so toll hinkriege, bedanke ich mich ganz ganz herzlich für die Anleitung! L.G. aus Östereich,
Translation (by Google): That's my brother Fritz, as he lives and breathes! If I may also hinkriege so great, thank you very very much for the guidance! L.G. from Austria,
Raknaree Quilt
Wednesday 30th of September 2015
Hi Joanne L.
I really love your stuffs espacialy this BayMax. My kid asked me for making it. I ll show you when finished. Thank you for sharing nice jobs for us.
Craft Passion
Friday 2nd of October 2015
Please shown us when it is ready. We can either send it through the contact form or share the picture in the social media and tag Craft Passion. Thank you :)
Friday 3rd of July 2015
I went to see the film with my youngest daughter and I think I laughed and (definitely) cried more than her! I was a fantastic movie, I loved it lol. Thank you so much for sharing your pattern, no doubt it will be pushed up to the top of my to-do list and marked urgent! lol xx
Craft Passion
Friday 3rd of July 2015
I cried too and my daughter was laughing at me LOL.... Glad that Sock Baymax is now at the top of your to-do list :)