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Sock Lion Stuffed Animal Sewing Pattern

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You have probably seen Lexi, the stuffed sock lion made from a single sock. You may have even made it a few times and loved it. Well, now you can sew a different lion stuffed animal, “Shimba”. In contrast to Lexi, Shimba is made out of a pair of socks and not just one single sock. This new sock lion is also bigger in size (average 20” tall) and has longer arms, feet, and body.

Learn how to sew a huggable lion stuffed animal, Shimba, from socks! Free pattern with step-by-step photos and detailed instructions included.

I was inspired to recreate the sock lion in a bigger size because my Marcho sock monkey tutorial got so popular and received so many lovely comments worldwide.

Thank you to everyone who sewed it. It warms my heart to hear of how your children love to hug the sock monkey and your comments on how easy it was to make, which is so wonderful to hear. To those who showed me your photos of the sock monkeys you made, you are awesome! Since you loved it so much, I request that you give that same amount of affection to Shimba, the sock lion as well. Give it a try if you think it is just as adorable!

sock lion sewing pattern

Lion Stuffed Lion

scroll ⬇️ to get the free sewing pattern & tutorial

Shimba, the sock lion’s story began one day after a rain shower. It had been a while since the last rain, and the lakes were beginning to dry up. He woke up and stretched his legs. It was late morning, and the sun was shining brighter than usual. Somehow, the heat from the sun’s rays seemed to beat down more today as Shimba stood up, planning to go for a walk.

sewing stuffed lion doll with socks

Feeling thirsty, Shimba walked to the lake, hoping there would be enough water to suppress his thirst, at least for a little while. Alas, when he got there, the other animals were standing around too, mournfully looking at the dried-up lake. Shimba decided that they couldn’t stay there any longer and told everyone to get ready to move.

All the animals listened to the words of their wise lion king, and before long, everyone was moving in a large group, following Shimba to a new place where they hoped the water was available. The baby animals walked in front of their parents and played with each other, making light of a serious situation. Their parents walked behind more sombrely.

lion stuffed animal sewing pattern
Shimba, The Lion King Stuffed Animal

Suddenly, everyone heard a sound, unheard for several weeks. Crash…boom! It was the sound of thunder! Shimba stopped in his tracks, making everyone behind him stop as well. They looked up to the sky, eagerly waiting for the clouds to unleash long-awaited precious droplets of rain. First came a few small ones. Then slightly bigger ones, a drizzle, and then it turned into a full-blown shower. The animals cheered and bellowed in happiness and excitement. The rains had finally come!

Shimba watched with pride as the animals celebrated together in the rain. He had served his kingdom well as their lion king.

Are you ready to sew your lion king with a pair of socks?

What’s Next:

Learn how to sew a huggable lion stuffed animal, Shimba, from socks! Free pattern with step-by-step photos and detailed instructions included.

Lion Stuffed Animal Sewing Pattern

Yield: 20″ Stuffed Lion
Active Time: 5 hours
Total Time: 5 hours
Difficulty: Avid Beginner/Intermediate
Estimated Cost: $3 - $10

You have probably seen Lexi, the stuffed lion made from a single sock. You may have even made it a few times and loved it.

Love it? Well, now you can sew a different kind of sock lion called Shimba. In contrast to Lexi, Shimba is made out of a pair of socks and not just one single sock. This new sock lion is also bigger in size (average 20 inches tall) and has longer arms, feet, and body.

Are you ready to sew your Lion King stuffed toy with a pair of socks?



  • Sewing machine. You can also hand-sew, if you prefer
  • Long Sewing Needle (about 2") and pins
  • Tapestry needle
  • Cardboard, 2″ wide (to make lion fur)
  • Erasable fabric marker
  • Pen & ruler
  • Scissors
  • Iron



    Gather all the materials and tools needed to sew a sock lion.
    Cut 2 ellipse from white felt for the white of the eyes, about 7/8″ x 1 1/4″.
    Cut 1 trapezoid from brown felt for the nose, about 1/2″ x 1 1/4″ x 1 1/4″.
    Turn your sock with the right-side in. Align sock as shown in the picture.
    Press them flat with a warm iron.
    Mark the pattern with an erasable marker or pen:
    Solid yellow-line – sewing lines.
    Dash yellow-line – running stitch line.
    Blue-line – cutting line for the snout of the lion.
    The cutting lines for overall are not shown but you can see them on the 3rd step by step pictures. cut sock lion
  2. PIN, SEW & CUT:
    Align the stripes of the sock on both layers, pin.
    Sew with a sewing machine or hand sew if you sock lion

    Cut near the sewing lines, about 1/8″ to 1/4″ away.
    Left sock: body.
    Right sock: arms (top), snout (center), tail (left) and ears (right).
    After cutting the body, there will be a small opening between the legs, this is the stuffing opening.
    Turn all parts right side out except the tail.
    Please refer to sock monkey’s tutorial for more detail, especially the body side.sock lion cutout
    Head, Body & Arms:
    a.) Roll a big ball of poly-stuffing material and stuff it into the toe area of the sock. Sew running stitch around the neck, pull to tighten, knot, and cut sewing thread. This is the head of the Sock Lion. Roll the head with your hand to make it rounder.
    b.) Stuff the legs and body until the firmness you like. Adjust the poly-fill so that the body can sit properly.
    c.) Close up the opening by sewing the stuffing hole between the legs.
    d.) Stuff the arms and close the openings.
    e.) Attach the arms to the body.stuff and sew sock lion

    a.) Roll some yarns about 1″ – 2″ longer than the stretched sock tail. Tie one side with yarn.
    b.) Insert 1″ of yarn into the sock tail (with wrong side facing out).
    c.) Stitch up to close the opening while securing the yarn in place.
    d.) Turn the sock right side out. Remove the tying yarn, you can cut the yarn to have a straight tail tassel or leave it in the loop shape.make tuft lion tail

    Fold the raw edges of the tail inwards and sew it to the body by slip stitching around.sock lion tuft tail
    a.) Mark snout shape on the face with an erasable fabric marker
    b.) Turn the raw end inside the snout and sew it on the face with a slip stitch.
    c.) Leave an adequate opening for stuffing
    d.) Stuffed and shaped the snout, sew to close the lion snout

    a.) Pin the brown felt (nose) on the snout.
    b.) Sew it on with matching color thread or embroidery floss (2 or 3-strand).
    c.) Stuff in a small amount of poly-fill to make the nose to boost the shape. Continue to sew to close the opening.
    d.) To make the philtrum of the mouth, knot your embroidery floss (6-strand) at the bottom center of the snout securely, insert your needle at the center of the bottom edge of the nose felt, into the snout and come out from the same place where you knot your floss.
    e.) Pull to make a dent that resembles the philtrum. Repeat again if necessary to add another secure stitch.
    f.) Make a french knot to resemble the vibrissa or whisker of the lion. The needle should cross the snout and come out to the other side, pull lightly so that the french knot is indented a little into the snout. Make another french knot on the other side of the snout.sock lion nose

    Repeat to make 3 vibrissae at each side of the vibrissa whiskers
    Position the 2 white ellipses felt on the face as the whites of the eyes. Sew around with white thread.
    Sew to attach the safety eyes at the position you like.sock lion button eyes

    a.) Stuff the ears and stitch up the openings. Fold the ear in half vertically, stitch the bottom together to make a cup ear.
    b.) Sew them on the head of the Sock Lion. Without the mane, it looks like a lioness.
    c.) Roll the red and yellow yarns around the 2″ cardboard. Gather and stitch every 10 of them. Catch yarn into a needle as you pass through them, loop 2 to 3 times, pull tight, and make a knot before proceed to the next 10 of yarn.
    d.) Measure the length needed to wrap the head of the stuffed lion. Make extra length if you want to have a dense mane. Stitch the mane to the sock lion. For an even mane distribution, divide the mane into 2 parts, pin it at the neck and top of the head. Sub-divide the mane again and pin it in the middle of the side sock lion ears and mane

I hope you can find the perfect socks to sew Shimba the sock lion - he’s every bit as cute as the much-loved Marcho sock monkey. Make a whole family for Shimba for your children, grandchildren, or even your neighbor's children. They are all sure to love this cuddly lion plush.

lion stuffed animal

Don’t forget to let me know your experience in sewing this child-friendly sock lion stuffed toy.


HOW TO SECURE THE KNOT: Secure the knot by inserting the needle between the 2 knot sewing
The knot is locked with the sock and it won’t slip away through the knits when you pull the thread during knot sewing

WHY DO WE HAVE TO HAND DRAWN PATTERN? Not all socks are the same size, so I can’t provide a standard printable template for this sock animal. The best way to proceed is to sketch out the sewing line by referring to the pictures. 

DOLL SIZES: For different sizes of sock animals, use different sizes of socks.

SOCK CHOICE: Socks will be stretched after they are stuffed so thick socks that are close-knit make better quality sock sheep toys. 

SEAM ALLOWANCE: Approximately 1/8” or 1/4”.
You need bigger seam allowance for loose-knit and thinner sock materials because they can be ripped off easily

STUFFING: always massage the stuffing to loosen out lumps. Long tubular parts should be rolled with both hands so any lumps will be smooth, and help to make the parts longer and firmer.

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how to sew sock lion doll
Author bio

Joanne Loh

~ Founder and Editor ~
Born into a creative family, Joanne Loh has over 40 years of experience in sewing, crocheting, and knitting. Well-known for her creative approach to DIY crafts, her creations demonstrate a strong dedication to quality and spreading her enthusiasm among the crafting community.
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Susan Allen

Sunday 7th of January 2024

Many thanks for your pattern . I found it to be very informative . Easy to follow . I found the pictures helpful . Made it over the course of one day . With many other interruptions . Very happy with the results .

Esther Herndon

Wednesday 8th of June 2022

I couldn't find a clickable pdf for it... is there one?

Craft Passion

Wednesday 15th of June 2022

Please use the print button to download the tutorial section as pdf document.

Sock Lop Eared Bunny Plushie • Free Sewing Pattern | Craft Passion

Saturday 1st of August 2020

[…] comes when I sew. A little change here and there, like “hey, if I put the mane here, I can make a lion!”, “an extra sock and I can make long ears for lop ear bunny” or “if I […]

Sock Lion (Single Sock) - Free Sewing Pattern  | Craft Passion

Friday 22nd of November 2019

[…] immediately jumped into another sock lion challenge, with a pair of socks (tutorial to follow soon, pattern & tutorial here). Oh…. sewing sock toys are just too addictive. I have a few insomnia nights just thinking of […]


Friday 1st of July 2016

I loved this! I used men's socks with the English flag all over it. Seriously cute. Its probably the cutest thing I ever made. I have no idea how to post a photo, but thankyou!

Craft Passion

Saturday 9th of July 2016

Hi Karley, You can either post the photo to facebook page, or send it through the contact form. Can't wait to see your English flags Sock Lion.

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