Look at this cute crinkle-face dog stuffed animal, it is sewn from a pair of microfiber chenille socks. This sock pug is soft and everyone loves to give him a hug. What’s more, he has a yellow bone to carry around. Let’s sew them with the free sewing pattern here.

And just like that, it’s been 6 years since I started designing and sewing sock stuffed animals. This sock puppy (which I fashioned based on the pug breed) is my 23rd sock animal pattern and tutorial. At this moment, I have to say, it is so fun, not just to make cute things out of pairs of socks but also to share these free sewing patterns and tutorials with you.

I have been wanting to design a canine-themed sock animal for quite some time now, and since this year is coincidentally the Chinese Year of the Dog, I decided not to put it off any longer. Of all the dog breeds, my favorite is the pug. So here it is, the sock dog stuffed animal named Puggie.
Sock Dog Stuffed Animal
scroll ⬇️ to get the free stuffed animal sewing pattern & tutorial
Puggie is about 8 inches tall and sewn from a combination of materials. On him, we have a pair of microfiber chenille socks, scraps of white and brown felt, buttons for the eyes and nose, and yellow embroidery floss. To hold its shape, the sock puppy is then stuffed with polyester. To help you out along the way, I have included a downloadable and printable free pattern template below with detailed instructions. For your sock dog stuffed animal, there are also instructions on making the dog bone.

If you have difficulties in finding the right sock color and materials to make the sock dog stuffed animal, you can get them from the Craft Passion Shop. At the moment, I don’t have many in stock, but I hope it can give you guidance on the type of colors to use for your sewing crafts. Do let me know if you need help and I will do my best to provide support.
Happy Sewing The Sock Dog Stuffed Animal!

Puggie is a curious little sock pug pup. One day, he found himself in front of a big wooden door and pried it open with his front paw. It creaked open and he walked into the room, full of curiosity. He soon realized it was an old abandoned warehouse that had not been used for a long time. The wooden floorboards were cracked and dirty, windows were dusty and cobwebs hung from the high ceiling. There was also an unpleasant musky smell wafting up the plush dog’s button nose.
These didn’t stop Puggie the sock puppy from wandering around the warehouse, sniffing everything he saw.

He explored the large warehouse a little while longer, knowing as he did so that he should be on his way home where his best friend is waiting for him. Suddenly, a different scent in the air caught his attention. What was it? He couldn’t tell exactly what it was but it was fairly pleasant, compared to all the unpleasant dusty smells around the warehouse. Puggie the cute pug lowered his nose to the ground and began walking in the direction of that pleasant smell. It got stronger and stronger as he went to the back of the warehouse. Really, what could it be?
Near a pile of boxes, he finally recognized the familiar scent. It’s a dog bone! Puggie, the dog stuffed animal let out a happy bark and ran behind the boxes to find a huge bone left there, probably by some other dog. Oh well, finder’s keepers. “Now, it’s mine!” he barked excitedly. He picked up the bone and raced back home to share his bone with his best friend.

I hope you enjoy sewing Puggie the sock puppy as much as I did and I look forward to seeing your versions of Puggie soon! Bring Puggie his bone today.
- Start sewing and share your completed handmade on Facebook and/or Instagram. Remember to tag us, @craftpassion, so that we are able to see them.
- Pin it to Pinterest for a future To-Sew List
- Share with your sewing groups for a sew-along event.
- Learn more about the basics of hand sewing and how to choose a sewing machine for beginners.
- Browse more free sewing patterns and stuffed animals to make, especially animals that are sewn from socks.
- You might like our following dog-themed purses and pouches patterns too:
Happy sewing!

Sock Puppy Sewing Pattern
Puggie is about 8 inches tall and sewn from a combination of materials. On him, we have a pair of microfiber chenille socks, scraps of white and brown felt, buttons for the eyes and nose, and yellow embroidery floss. To hold its shape, the sock puppy is then stuffed with polyester. To help you out along the way, I have included a pattern template below with detailed instructions. For your sock puppy, there are also instructions on making the dog bone.
Enjoy sewing them!
Download and print the PDF TEMPLATES separately
Sock Pug Puppy
- Microfiber chenille socks, Brown, or Khaki, 1 pair
- Button eye 15 mm, black, 3; or equivalent button (as eyes and nose)
- White felt – 1″ x 2″
- Brown felt, 2.5″ x 5″, 3.5″ x 2.5″
- Yellow embroidery floss
- Pipe Cleaner (for bendable tail)
- Poly-fill stuffing material
- Sewing threads (matching colors)
- Sock Pug Puppy Template
Dog Bone
- Fabric, 7″ x 7″
- Poly-fill stuffing material
- Sewing machine. You can also hand-sew if you prefer
- Long Sewing Needle (about 2") and pins
- Water-Soluble Fabric Marker
- Scissors
- Blunt point tweezers
- Spray bottle filled with water
- Printer and card stock for templates
- SOCK PUPPY: Prepare all materials above. Always pre-washed your socks before sewing them. Turn sock right side in and iron.
- Print out the pattern, cut out the templates, and trace them on the intended materials. Draw pattern on the sock. Sew then cut. Turn sock pieces right side out.
- Stuff parts with poly-fill stuffing materials and sew as instructed below.
- Sew to close the opening. Massage the parts to even out the lumps of the stuffing.
- Sew felt pieces to the head, followed by nose, eyes, and ears to the head. Then sew the head, arms, and tail to the body to complete the sock pug puppy.
- DOG BONE: Fold fabric with right side facing together. Trace the Dog Bone template on the wrong side of the fabric, sew around, and leave a 1" opening. Cut with 1/4" seam allowance, Turn. Stuff. Sew to close the opening.
Seam Allowance: give yourself approximately 1/8” or 1/4” (you need bigger seam allowance for loose-knit and thinner sock materials because they can be ripped off easily)
Download and print out the Sock Pug Puppy Template on a letter-size cardstock. Cut out the paper templates from the cardstock.
Gather the materials and tools needed to sew the sock puppy. Remove the elastic bands at the cuff edge of the socks if necessary.
Turn the sock right side in, flatten and lay the sock as shown in the picture. Pin.
Trace the sock puppy templates on the sock as shown in the picture with a water-soluble fabric marker, or, you may use a silver permanent marker to lightly trace the line on the darker color socks.
The body of the pug puppy is connected to the legs as 1 piece, only the leg template is given in the pattern template. Place the leg template on the sock to trace both legs. Trim off about half inch from the cuff edge to make the body.
Since not all socks are made in the same size, sometimes you might need to adjust and hand sketch the template on the sock if needed.
Sew along the solid traced lines (except earpieces) with either using a sewing machine or hand stitch.
Cut out the sock pieces with approx. 1/8″ – 1/4″ seam allowance. Felt pieces (except ears) do not need any seam allowance, just cut them out following the traced lines.
Cut ear pieces from felt with allowance only on the 2 slant sides, the bottom doesn’t need seam allowance. Placed the felt earpieces on the sock, pin and sew along the solid traced line. Cut out with approx 1/8″ – 1/4″.
Turn all pieces right side out and stuff the body, arms, and head with adequate poly-fill stuffing material, massage and shape it nicely. A pair of blunt point tweezers will be of good help to insert the stuffing material into smaller parts like the tail and the arms.
For the body, stuff both legs densely to make them round and firm.
Then stuff the lower body densely, slowly reduce the density as you fill. Shape the body into a pear shape.
If you want to make the sock puppy that can sit on its own, do not fill the upper part of the legs that link to the body. By doing this, the legs are able to bend better. Also, shaping the bottom of the body flat with a bigger base will help the sock puppy to sit properly on its own.
Sew to gather the raw edge and close the top opening once you have done the stuffing and shaping.
After I took this picture, I added a big ‘cross’ at the abdominal as the belly button of the sock puppy.
Stuff the arms densely at the front tip, slowly reduce the density towards the opening. Sew to gather the raw edge and to close the opening.
Shape the arm by rolling it with both palms to make it round at the tip and slender towards the opening.
The left arm in the picture is before shaping, the right arm in the picture is shaped.
Do not stuff the ears. Just fold in the raw edge of the sock side, whip stitches it to the felt side to close the opening.
Fold the pipe cleaners into a third then twist the strands together. Insert it into the tail.
Fold in the raw edges, slip stitch them to close the opening.
Stuff the head densely with the stuffing material. Sew to gather the raw edge and to close the opening.
Shape the head to a round shape. The head should be slightly bigger than the bottom of the body for cuteness proportion.
I placed 2 pins at the endpoints of the toe seamline as a reference point when I need to place the parts on the face. The toe seamline is facing the back.
Place the muzzle piece onto the lower half of the head. Pin.
Starting from the bottom, sew around the muzzle, leaving about 1/2″ opening. After that, stuff the muzzle with stuffing material densely through the opening until the muzzle is raised.
Continue to sew to close the opening.
Sketch the crease line and sew stitches across the crease line and the edge of the muzzle, as shown in the picture.
Always leave longer thread (loop) in between the stitches so that you can pull the thread to tighten the stitches stage by stage.
Once the stitches are tightened, it will form a bump that resembles the nose crease of the pug puppy.
In order to make the nose crease more obvious, insert the needle straight into the head before bringing it up to the opposite line. This way, it will catch more stuffing between the lines and hence make the nose crease fuller and prominent.
This is how the nose crease line looks like after the sewing is done.
Sew the mouth with yellow embroidery floss as shown.
When necessary, always begin and start the sewing from the bottom of the head where you can hide the knots at the part that is going to join to the body.
Sew on a 15mm black button as a nose.
Place the white felt eyes and make a few stitches with white thread to secure the position. Followed by sewing on the 15mm black buttons as the eyes. Please note that pug has wide eyes, which means there is more white at the center between both eyes, thus, sew the button at the outmost position of the white felt to create this effect.
Next step is to attach the ears to head.
Placed the ear just slightly over the toe seamline, if you look carefully at the picture, you will see the green pin is there to make the point I mentioned before.
Sew around the bottom of the ear that is touching the head. Repeat the same to the other ear and make sure they are balanced in appearance.
I purposely position the ear in the way that it shows the brown felt on the outside because pug has a darker color at the outside of the ears. But it is not wrong to do it the other way round, just like I did for the dark brown sock puppy.
If you want to make a more wrinkly pug puppy, add another crease fold on the forehead.
Sketch a pair of wide ‘V’ lines of about 0.5″ to 0.75″ in between.
Sew them with the same technique as the nose crease.
This completes the head part.
Put all parts together and sew them up one by one.
First, sew the head to the body, then sew the 2 arms in between them.
Turn the sock puppy over to sew the tail to the back of the body.
Twist the tail to make a curled tail.
You may tack the ears of the sock puppy by making some stitches at the tip of the ear so that the ear stick to the head.
Spray the sock puppy with water to erase all the visible blue marking if needed, leave it to dry.
Fold the fabric into halve with right side facing each other.
Trace the dog bone template on the wrong side of the fabric.
Sew 2 layers together and leaving a 1″ opening at the center of the bone.
Trim the seam allowance to about 1/4″, clip into the seam allowance along the curve, being very careful to not clip into your seam.
Turn the dog bone right side out from the opening. Smooth out the curve and the seam.
Stuff it up firmly then sew to close the opening.
Spray the dog bone with water to erase all the visible blue marking if needed, leave it to dry. The dog bone is done.
Let’s bring home the dog bone.
I hope you enjoy sewing Puggie the sock puppy as much as I did and I look forward to seeing your versions of Puggie soon! Bring Puggie his bone today.
Socks will be stretched after they are stuffed so thick socks that are close-knit make better quality sock puppy toys.
Click here to shop for other microfiber chenille socks to sew Puggie Sock Puppy.
Tip: always massage the stuffing to loosen out lumps. Long tubular parts should be rolled with both hands so any lumps will be smooth, and help to make the parts longer and firmer.
Get the full article at https://www.craftpassion.com/sock-puppy-pug/
Recommended Products
Purchase the exact same material and tool used in this pattern from Craft Passion Shop.
Tracy Vander Mey
Thursday 11th of February 2021
I thank you that you offer a free template for your sock pug. I am having an issue with printing it. When I click on the link, it only prints one page. Which doesn't have the body on it. Am I doing something wrong?
Craft Passion
Monday 15th of February 2021
The template is only on 1 page, your printer is working fine. Please follow the instructions to trace the leg on the sock that connects to the body.
Saturday 19th of December 2020
I have been sewing and crafting for many years, but I can’t figure out how to make the oblong head piece into a round ball. I need help, please. I need to finish this project for Christmas. Thank you for sharing this free pattern.
Craft Passion
Monday 21st of December 2020
Socks are stretchable and easy to manipulate. After you stuff the head, roll it to a round ball, ah, make sure you stuff it densely to hold the shape.
Flex Godanow
Saturday 17th of October 2020
Thankyou so much for sharing these patterns. There isn’t much for free these days, and I know how time consuming this work is for you. Just to let you know I really appreciate your generosity and time and hope you continue this wonderful work. Thankyou again.
Monday 7th of September 2020
Earlier today, I completed this project and it was only my second stuffed animal craft ever. In the beginning of the year, I made a panda for my son, following your panda instructions. Originally I planned to make several more for a panda conservation fundraiser that was organized by his school class. Then the pandemic struck. My son loved the one panda that I made and kept it for himself. My daughter saw the pug tutorial on your site way back when I was making the panda and immediately requested one. Well, I finally made it for her and she’s very happy. I’m so grateful for your generous sharing of these tutorials. Guided by your thorough instruction and talent, I made two animals that somewhat resemble yours. I’m also learning a little more each time and that’s so rewarding as well. Thank you so much! :)
Tuesday 12th of November 2019
What is the sewing technique that you use to combine the body parts together?
Craft Passion
Tuesday 12th of November 2019
I am using slip stitch to sew them together. Slip stitch is referred to as ladder stitch too.