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Ruffle Skirt Sewing Pattern

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Learn how to create your own Ruffle Skirt sewing pattern in a variety of sizes. We’ve included a technique for creating your own pattern based on waist measurement and skirt length in this sewing tutorial. You can now sew ruffle skirts for babies, toddlers, teenagers, and adults in mini, midi, and maxi lengths.

ruffles skirt sewing pattern

It was like yesterday that my little girl was born… In the blink of my eyes, our once tiny little girl has begun her teenage journey. Now, she is growing taller at full speed, her clothes have become too short and too small, and it’s time to mutate her wardrobe to add more appropriate sizes of apparel.

Besides buying from shops (which is the quickest way), she requested that I sew more skirts for her so that she could wear them to weekend classes. Nothing formal but something comfy and casual, which is able to go with a T-shirt or blouse easily. Thus, I sewed this 3 tiered ruffle skirt for her. She likes how the ruffles move when she walks and moves.

ruffles skirt sew pattern

Ruffle Skirt – Free Sewing Pattern

scroll ⬇️ to get the free pattern & tutorial

This 3 tiered ruffle skirt is an easy sewing pattern that can be adapted to any size with some simple mathematics calculations by using the waist measurement and your intended skirt length. Hence, you can develop your own ruffle skirt sewing pattern for a baby, toddler, kid, teenager, petite adult, adult, and even to an oversized adult.  

You can also determine how heavy you want the ruffles to be in this pattern.  I am using cotton fabric for this skirt, but if you prefer the ruffle skirt to be wrinkle-free, then you may choose synthetic fabrics which won’t crease easily.

ruffle skirt

What’s Next

Happy Sewing!

Ruffle Skirt Sewing Pattern

Difficulty: Easy
Size: All sizes

Make: 1 (above knee length)

1. Fabric (cotton – bolt width 42″), 3 designs.

  • Baby and toddler – 1/4 yard each design
  • Kid, Teenagers, and Petite Adults – 1/2 yard each design
  • Adult & Oversized Adult – 3/4 yard each design

2. Elastic bands
3. Ribbon or lace

1. Sewing Machine
2. Pins and needles
3. Matching sewing threads
4. Iron
5. Seamstress pencil and ruler
6. Seamstress scissors or roller cutter

Note: you may use synthetic fabrics which won’t crease easily if you prefer the ruffle skirt to be wrinkle-free.

Instructions with pictures to assist in sewing the Ruffle Skirt

how to sew

Gather and get ready with the materials and tools needed.
I used pre-cut 1/2-yard bundle quilting fabrics from Riley Blake, Paris & Company. You can always match your own color.

how to sew ruffle skirt

Use the following equation to calculate your own ruffle skirt measurement. Measurement includes a 3/8″ seam allowance.
WL = Waist Line, SL = Skirt Length, Hip = Hip Measurement
L = (SL-2)/4, and W = WL x 1.3 or Hip + 4″ (whichever is bigger)
T1: Length = L+ 1.5″, Width = W
T2 & T3: Length = L, Width = W
T1 Ruffles & T2 Ruffles & T3 Ruffles: Length = L + 2″, Width = 2W
Remark: I am making ruffles that are 2x the width. If you like your ruffles to be light, then you may decrease the width of the ruffle to a minimum of 1.5W. Vice versa, you can increase the width to 2.5W if you like heavier ruffles.

how to sew ruffle skirt

After you have determined your measurement (please write it down on paper for easy reference), cut the fabrics according to your measurements. Usually, the bolt width of the fabric is not enough for the ruffles (2W). Join the fabrics to make up the width you will need.
Join the side edges of the fabrics to make each part into a ring.
Treat the raw edges of the side seam either by using zig-zag stitches or using an overlock stitch if you have a serger machine.

sewing machine setting

Set your sewing machine to the longest stitch length and loosen your stitch tension a little.

create ruffles

Sew 2 lines on the ruffled fabrics, at about 1/4″ and 1/2″ from the raw edge. Leaving long thread tails at both ends.
Separate the top needle thread from the bobbin thread. Tie off one set by a quick overhand knot. Repeat the same on the opposite end.

ruffles alignment

Mark the paired fabrics (ruffles and non-ruffles set) into 8 equal spacing.

ruffles layer

With the right side together and both edges aligned, pin the paired fabric together according to the markings respectively.

gather fabric ruffle skirt

Hold the tails (the pair that are not tied up) and pull the fabric in towards the center to make the gathers. Work from one end and then from the other end until the ruffles piece is at the same width as the pair piece that is pinned to it.
Spread the gathers out evenly.
Sew both fabrics together with normal stitch length at 3/8″ seam allowance.

ruffles layers skirt

Repeat the ruffles gathering and sewing processes to all 3 tiers.

tier ruffles

Now, you are ready to assemble the tiers together to make up a skirt.
Fold the top piece of the mid-tier down to expose the seam (2).
Insert the bottom tier into the mid-tier, and align the top edge (1) to the exposed seam of the mid-tier (2).

join tier

Sew together along the seam line of the exposed seam of the mid-tier.
Treat the raw edges either by using zig-zag stitches or using overlock stitches if you have a serger machine.

ruffles tier

Flip the top piece of the mid-tier up, press the seam flat, and topstitch 1/8″ from the seam line.

3 tiered ruffles skirt

Repeat the same to attach the top tier of the ruffles. Don’t forget to treat the raw edges as well.

sew ribbon embellishment

Instead of topstitching near the seam line, you may add a ribbon on the top tier.

tie bow

Leave a long tail of about 10″ at each end to where you want to tie a bow at. The spacing between the ribbon tails is about 1/2″.

ribbon bow on skirt

Tie a bow and trim off the excess ribbon. Lightly burn the ribbon ends to prevent them from fraying.

elastic waist band

To make a 1″ elastic waistband, fold 1.5″ at the waist, then fold 3/8″ of seam allowance into the waistband. Press with an iron to set the line. Sew 1/2″ and 1″ from the top edge, respectively, if you are using a narrow elastic band. Or, sew 1″ from the top edge if you are using a wider elastic band. Remember to leave openings (about 1″ to 1.5″) for you to insert the elastic band.
Stitch to close the opening after you are done with the elastic band.

tiered ruffles skirt

Sew the bottom edges of the ruffles with a rolled hem. You may use the roll hem foot if you have one. If you don’t, you may double fold the raw edges at about 3/16″ then, press with an iron to set it, then sew 1/8″ from the edge.


I sewed this 3 tiered ruffle skirt for my daughter, who is now a young teenager. The skirt measures 22″ waist and 15″ in length. My daughter likes the ruffles skirt, and it is perfect for her weekend activity class. 

Happy daughter, happy mommy! Life becomes easy if everyone is happy 🙂

Author bio

Joanne Loh

~ Founder and Editor ~
Born into a creative family, Joanne Loh has over 40 years of experience in sewing, crocheting, and knitting. Well-known for her creative approach to DIY crafts, her creations demonstrate a strong dedication to quality and spreading her enthusiasm among the crafting community.
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Tuesday 8th of August 2023

So I just made this skirt for my toddler and it was a very fun project! However, when I went to try it on her it was about 3-4 sizes too big in the waistline. (The length was just fine, right above her knee.) I double checked my math and equations and my husband looked at them as well and we couldn't find any math errors.

Could there be a typo in the waist measurement equation? (W=WL+12") Is it supposed to be 1.2"? If not, then why do you add12 inches to the waist measurement? I am a novice sewist and still very much learning. Thank you so much! :)

Craft Passion

Tuesday 8th of August 2023

Adding 12" to the measurement is too big for a toddler size. I developed this skirt for me daughter who is in her teenage, I added 12". I have changed the parenthesis formula a little which is now foolproof for everyone.The new formula is W = WL x 1.3 or Hip + 4" (whichever is bigger).


Friday 22nd of November 2019

Thank you so much for sharing your work, I’ve just made a retro 80s style for a party xx

mee - newbie

Wednesday 21st of June 2017

Cute skirt - just finished it and it turned out nicely. One comment unless I'm really confused (possible) ... assuming this is three tiers, the length should be divided by 3 and not 4.

Craft Passion

Wednesday 21st of June 2017

Hi Mee, I think you forgot the first part just before the ruffles, so it is 4 and not 3. :)


Friday 23rd of September 2016

Thanks for sharing your thoughts about fabric. Regards


Friday 23rd of September 2016

This is absolutely gorgeous! I love it! <3!